Most of our oil paintings are completed with 21 days.

We currently have over 23,000 oil painting reproductions in our standard online catalogue.

Every painting is offered in 45 size options and it is therefore impossible for us to hold stock.

Your hand-painted oil on canvas will be painted to order by one of our resident professional artists.

The size of your painting and the technique employed dictates exactly how long the process will take.

Drying time is a critical part of the process and varies upon the size and technique of your painting.

However, if you require your painting urgently, please add a comment in the Notes section when you place your Order, and we will do our best to meet your deadline.

We do not buy paintings from China and drop-ship and, unlike most of the other online galleries, we have our own working studio with a skilled team of resident professional artists.

This is essential to ensure quality control at every stage of the process.

Creating a museum quality art reproduction on canvas is always our first priority.

Please take a moment to see many samples of completed paintings.

When your order has been confirmed your online Order Tracking Profile will be created and this will allow you to monitor the progress of your painting through the Studio. When your painting has been dispatched, either with DHL or FedEx, your Airway Bill Number will be added to your Order Tracking so that you can then check in-transit progress of your oil painting reproduction.

For full details please read our dedicated section of How to Track Your Oil Painting on Canvas Order.

Track Your Order

Type your order number here



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