Cuno Amiet was a Swiss painter and sculptor of the 20th century who is regarded as a pioneer of modern art in Switzerland, giving a prominent position to color in his paintings. He studied in Munich and was a friend of Giovanni Giacometti, a fellow Swiss painter, and they both went on to study together in Paris at the Academy Julian under Adolphe William Bouguereau. Amiet then joined the Pont-Aven school, where he studied with Paul Serusier. He is known to have painted over 4000 works, of which some 1000 are self-portraits. He also experimented with Expressionism, and later in life, painted in dots of color, influenced by the Pointillists.
Popular paintings by Cuno Amiet are "Self Portrait" 1920, "Portrait of Giovanni Giacometti" 1910, "Landscape Oschwand", and "Anna Amiet Sitting at the Table" 1906.
Replica paintings for sale by Cuno Amiet created entirely by hand and available in a large number of size options can be purchased here: