Would you like buy Frederic Remington replica oil paintings or reproductions of the American Old West?
Frederic Remington was an American artist, famous for his cowboy-western paintings depicting scenes of the American West during the second half of the 19th century.
Remington was related to the founder of the Remington Arms company, and always had an interest in the Wild West. He studied art at Yale University, but left when his father became ill and Remington returned home to look after him. His father died in 1880.
Remington went traveling in Montana using his modest inheritance. He then moved to Kansas but after losing money on some property investments he returned to New York and resumed his art studies.
Remington took a job as an artist correspondent for Harper's Weekly, who sent him to Arizona to follow the war against Geronimo. The new interest in the Old West and Cowboys and Indians was very strong and Remington became a favorite with the public as an illustrator of scenes of the Wild West. He also received a commission from the young Theodore Roosevelt, who would later become President, for a series of 83 illustrations. This assignment significantly boosted his career.
In 1884 Remington married Eva Caten. They moved to New Rochelle, New York, where he was able to have more space for his painting but also be close enough to the publishers in New York for his work. He became associated with the War Department and was known as the Soldier Artist, following cavalrymen in the Indian wars against the Apache and the Sioux. He traveled extensively, painting and sketching all that he saw.
Remington became very obese in the later life. He died in 1909 in Ridgefield, Connecticut due to post-surgery complications following peritonitis.
Remington was by far the most celebrated Wild West and Cowboy artist of the day, more so than Charles Russell.
Remington’s paintings are held extensively, most being at the Frederic Remington Art Museum in Ogdensburg, New York, the Amon Carter Museum and the Sid Richardson Museum in Forth Worth, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and in the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
Famous paintings by Frederic Remington include A Dash For Timber 1889, The Fall of the Cowboy, Halt - Dismount 1901 and Arizona Cowboy and Downing the Night Leader 1907.
Buy online Cowboy and Western replica paintings by Frederic here.