Maurice Prendergast was born in Canada. His family moved to Boston where he studied prior to attending the Academy Julian. Prendergast met many of the French Post-Impressionists in Paris where he was influenced by the paintings of Vuillard, Bonnard and Sickert. He was particularly influenced by Cezanne and his use of strong color. Upon his return to Boston, Prendergast began to work mainly in watercolor and his paintings attracted some major collectors such as Albert Barnes. His work is known for subject matter of parks and beaches, and it was only later in life that he began to use oil paints. Prendergast’s paintings have been described as tapestry like or resembling mosaics. Prendergast was associated with a group of artist known as The Eight.
You can buy a reproduction oil painting of Prendergast’s Cinerarias and Fruit 1912 which is located at the Witney Museum of American Art in New York.